More of a long term aspiration than an actual thing the formation of an inclusive club centred on cycling is something I have been considering for what is now many years. Exeter has an ever growing number of cyclists and a few very good cycling clubs, however there is certainly room for another one. Becoming super fit and smashing your personal best is great, In fact in a former life that was me, but now I'm probably more concerned with scenery and refreshments. 

In reality, setting up a club involves committed individuals with the time and organisational skills to make it happen. As it stands I have a workshop with a coffee machine and a lot of ideas but very little free time but with friends and colleagues we are slowly forging a path and hopefully one day this will become a reality rather than a pipe-dream.

Current ideas include the following:
 Planned weekly rides with a specific average speed (not very fast)
 Planned weekly rides for the more determined (challenging)
 Home maintenance workshops
 Annual touring week
 Information Share

If this is something that might be of interest to you please get in touch and lets see what can be achieived